Course Profile
Air Traffic Services (ATS) Examiner
Introduction Location
  • To Provide Air Traffic Services With The Knowledge And Skills Required To Obtain Regulatory Approval As ATS Examiners AND/OR Local Competency Examiners.
  • Understanding of: ICAO and State Regulatory rules and regulations pertaining to ATS licensing the administration and development of written, oral and practical CoC examinations 
Course Code
Course Duration
5 Days

Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understanding the steps to take when poor performance has been recognized and the options open to you as an LCE.
  • Understanding of:

Preparation for Conducting an oral Board,

Preparing and Asking Clear Questions,

Correctly Assessing the Answers,

Follow up Actions Pass/Fail

  • Understand the process of Practical, Oral Examinations.
Who should Attend
 *  Air Traffic Control Supervisors and Senior Air Traffic Control Officers who may be ask
to perform the task of Shift Supervisor and Aeronautical Informational Service Staff.
 *  Unit Chiefs of Air Traffic Services
 * Air Navigation Service providers; Air Traffic Controllers;; Civil Aviation Authorities; Airline
Managers and operational staff
 * ATCs AIS officers & ATS officers
Course Content
 * Course Introduction
 * Why Have LCES
 * LCE Selection Requirement
 * The Certificate of Competence
 * Duties of the LCE
 * Types of Assessment
 * Advantages/Disadvantages of Different Types of Assessment
 * Dealing with Poor Controller Performance
 * Standard of Competence
 * Oral Testing
 * LCE Preparation
 * Practical Examination Techniques
 * Practical Assessment of Aerodrome, APP, Area FIS Personnel
 * Human Behavior
 * Assessing Performance
 * Writing Reports
  • Air traffic controller qualification that meets the Civil Aviation Authority’s experience requirements for the grant of a Competency Assessor endorsement
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